EP 17 Caroline cotto-02.png

Caroline Cotto is hitting climate change head on through food. As inaugural president of the Upcycled Food Association and Chief Operating Officer of Renewal Foods, she is seeking to fix a broken food system by eliminating waste. Renewal Foods is a leading upcycling company currently with a handful of offerings including a brownie mix, chocolate chip cookies, and all purpose flour - all centered on okara, a byproduct consisting of insoluble parts of the soybean that remain from the production of soy milk and tofu.

In this episode, Caroline explains the difficulties of releasing a product that requires educating the market in a time when in-person educational opportunities are essentially outlawed. She also touches on how the product development cycle of large companies seeking to use her ingredients has been postponed 12-24 months, and how this is all compounded by the difficulties in raising venture capital funds during COVID.